How to Make the Most of Crypto Tax Services

How to Make the Most of Crypto Tax Services

With so much talk of prices rising to the moon, it might feel like crypto is a world apart, especially if you've been fortunate enough to watch your stack appreciate in value.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 03:10
A guide to paying tax on crypto

A guide to paying tax on crypto

Please keep in mind that this is not tax advise. For interpretation on how crypto taxation rules may apply to you, consult a trained tax accountant/professional or contact your local tax agencies.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 03:08
What is the best way to run a node?

What is the best way to run a node?

There is one use case we haven't gone through yet that is possibly the most important: actively supporting blockchains by hosting a node.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 03:06
How to use Smart Contracts?

How to use Smart Contracts?

Bitcoin brought decentralization and blockchain technology to the crypto market, but it was still hampered by centralized finance, which became burdened with governance to suit regulatory and investor expectations.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 03:04
What is the Lightning Network and how do I use it?

What is the Lightning Network and how do I use it?

Bitcoin is a great store of value for now, but it's slow and expensive to use for everyday transactions, which is where the Lightning Network comes in. Bitcoin users can have their cake and eat it, thanks to the so-called layer two solution.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 03:00
Your crypto footprint

Your crypto footprint

There is no central authority needed to facilitate and authorise transactions - instead it is the technology itself and its consensus mechanism that reaches agreement on the accuracy of transactions and to provide finality of settlement. 

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 02:55
Getting started with DEFI

Getting started with DEFI

In its basic form, Decentralised Finance (Defi), gives you access to a range of financial services, from the simple kind that would easily be provided by your high street bank, to the complex instruments used by Hedge Funds and Investment Bankers; all you need is a browser wallet and vigilance.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 02:51
CEFI is a great place to start if you're new to crypto banking

CEFI is a great place to start if you're new to crypto banking

The cryptocurrency ecosystem is continuously expanding, with new services being developed that allow you to do more with it than merely retain it. Crypto banking services are one of the most rapidly growing fields.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 02:47
What to do with your cryptocurrency and where to spend it

What to do with your cryptocurrency and where to spend it

Cryptocurrency is a new type of online money with qualities that imply it could eventually replace traditional money. But, in order for money to be useful, it must be able to buy goods, so what can you buy with cryptocurrencies right now?

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 02:42
Security best practice

Security best practice

If you've made it this far through our series of articles on how to utilize cryptocurrencies, you've put in a lot of effort and, ideally, some money into putting what you've learned into practice and acquiring your own cryptocurrency.

Undergraduate 2022-04-15 02:36

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